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Sarah – Crafticorn.Adventures

I’m a TV Producer with an insatiable appetite for all things creative. My love language is gift giving, so I like to use my skills to create unique and personalised things for my favourite people. The added bonus of constantly creating things is that I can also share my methods with other creatives and contribute to this wonderful community where we all educate and inspire each other.

1. What got you into crafting?
I’ve always had creative hobbies ever since I was young – whether it was drawing or writing, pottery or drama, I just enjoyed creating things. But it probably wasn’t until about ten years ago that I really started to get crafty through my love of costuming, which lead to creating props and non-fabric costume elements.

There’s been such a technology boom in the past decade in terms of what people can now create for themselves and I’m a person who loves collecting skills, so once I started down the rabbit hole of learning how to craft for myself, there was no turning back.

2. How do you create such out of the box projects?
Inspiration comes to me in lots of different ways. Sometimes I’ll get hit with an idea immediately with minimal effort. Other times, I’ll let a theme or a concept sit in the back of my mind until an idea begins to spark. Then sometimes I’ll look at a material or object and brainstorm a unique way to use it. And sometimes amazing things happen purely by experimentation. I’m a big believer of the mindset that your only limitation is you, so if you believe the possibilities are endless, then they can be.

3. What’s your favourite thing to create and why?
My friends and family know me for my unique cards, because every birthday or special occasion, I’ll design a card for them that has a personal touch – like an inside joke or a favourite interest.

But my favourite thing to create is probably any project that has lights in it. Whether it’s putting coin battery lights into a card or adding LEDs to a cardstock shadow box, there’s just something about a light-up project that creates child-like wonderment.

4. Where does the name Crafticorn.Adventures come from?
I wanted a name that captured my love of craft and creativity, but also my love of all things magical, mythical, and fantastical. In my heart of hearts, I’m just a crafty unicorn inviting you all on my adventures in creativity.

5. What is creating/crafting to you?
The best way I can describe it is that creativity is inherent to my being and that crafting is the outlet for that creativity. Much like how scientists can’t stop calculating equations and athletes can’t stop moving, being creative is just who I am. There are few things that can compare to the feeling of conjuring something in your head and then bringing it to life in your hands.

6. What do you do when you’re not crafting?
Despite being a pretty big nerd, I’m actually a gym junkie. I’m a firm believer that a strong and healthy body equals a strong and healthy mind, so my other hobby most days is chasing that sweet dopamine/serotonin/endorphin combo that you can only get from a good workout.

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